Besides Bible study time, the kids had craft time, snack/verse memory time, and outdoor game time. In spite of a lot of forcasted rain, we only had to do games indoors one day - which was a real blessing! Things went ok, but that many people in one building for 3 hours gets kind of crazy!
We ended up with a total enrollment of 32 kids, plus half a dozen junior workers, so we were pretty happy with that.
Friday night was "family night" - it was supposed to be outdoors, but we ended up doing it indoors and it actually worked out just as well. Very noisy, but I think everyone had a good time.
One of the games - we borrowed a "Block Party Trailor" which came equipped with the games and other stuff. Overall we were very, very happy with how things turned out and we're looking forward to next year!
Me by the popcorn maker (it's Miriam's hat by the way!). In case you're wondering, I have gained weight....I had my first doctar's appointment this last week too - would have gone in earlier, but I was too busy and feeling ok, so I didn't worry about it.
Let's see - I'm at "20 weeks", the due date is October 28th, everything seems to be going well. Apparently I'm healthy, which is always good to hear. I'd never had blood drawn before (my hospital experience was limited to getting my wisdom teeth out at age 17 and stitches at age 6) and I didn't really enjoy that part! It left a huge bruise on my arm...Oh, and I've still been feeling well - I take naps once and a while now, which I NEVER did before, and I broke out it hives a couple days last week and still don't know why, but nothing to complain about!
No, we're not having an ultrasound - unless we have to for some reason or other. I was surprised at how many people were shocked by that :) Yes, we have talked about names - we don't agree on all of them, but there's plenty of them that we both like to last for all the children we're likely to have! We've picked out about 3 boy and girl names and you'll find out what they are when the time comes :)
We don't do ultra sounds either - and we get a shocking response from most, just the same when they find out we don't have television . . . or a cell phone!
People sure do think many-a-luxury is necessity!
Glad to hear everything is going well!!! :) 20 weeks already??!!! Halfway there girl!!!
I guess I was kinda shocked when I found out James and Michelle hadn't had ultrasounds with their girls (until this one), but that's because Mom did them with (I think) all of us, so I just assumed everyone did...and since our insurance pays for them I was like, why not?! It's a good time to check and make sure everything is okay with me and the baby, and it was soooooo special being able to see Kaleigh moving and get some pix of her precious little self to hold on to for the next few months...but I know not everyone can afford them or even wants them. I don't think it's necessary, it's just a really special thing to me. :)
Are you guys going to try narrow it down to one girl and one boy name, or are you just going to wait until you can see the baby and then pick one? I know some people say they didn't really talk about names and then when they saw the baby there was just a name that kinda fit.
Good job on the blog and thank you for posting.
Thank you Aaron :)
We have our names sort in in order from favorite to least, but we're leaving ourselves a little room just in case the baby doesn't look like a Mahalaleel....
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