The scenery there was beautiful! We walked out on this "catwalk" type thing to get a better look.
The lake and the hills and the trees - most of the leaves are gone now, but there were a few left then.
We all came back to our house for cake and ice cream and to open presents. Esther's figured out the gift bags, but the other ones I had to help with :)
New socks from Alaska!
One gift was a little rocking chair just her size - she'll go in the living room and climb in it all herself.
A musical toy...
We were so excited that the Bible Bee was in Nashville this year! My parents and sisters came over to our house a couple days and we went there to hang out with them a couple days. Above is Hosanna, Miriam, and Priscilla -
Esther playing on the table -
For some reason, Esther really loved her Aunty Miriam :)
They had a 400th birthday party for the King James Bible! We were also able to watch the semi-finals and finals, look around at the vendors, go to a picnic with Bill Gothard, go to a family hymn sing, and meet up with Mrs. G. and Jonathan. I'm sure my Mom will fill everyone in on the details on her blog - We really enjoyed it and getting to spend time with the family!
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Happy birthday Ya easter bunny! I mean, Esther bunny :) ;)
I wish I could have been there!! We watched the finals online but it would have been AWESOME to be there and see it in person....especially since Kari won. =D
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