Sunday, April 18, 2021

February 2020 - April 2021

Hello! Hope you all are doing well! This is from our sledding day in 2020, but the snow looked the same at the sledding day in 2021...
These pictures are not in order - This is from Lydia's first birthday! The older girls made a poster for the wall and hung balloons :) I've been going through all the pictures from the last year and couldn't believe how much everyone has grown! 
Just could not get these 3 girls to all smile for the camera at the same time! This is at our VBS.
The kids just having fun outside - 
Aaron Joseph lost his first tooth!
They enjoyed being the entire orange team at my parent's church's VBS!
Aaron's parents were up for a couple weeks this summer and took the grandkids on these go-karts. I don't know about all the kids, but you should have seen the smiles on Esther and Caleb's faces. Scary.
We also had a couple ordination services for Aaron's brother.
Esther and Anna were in the Bible Bee again - I learned some new verses also!
Kids at Hayes Lake - 
More Hayes Lake - 
Trying one of the hiking trails - 
Esther and Anna with their AWANA awards -
It was a cold day, but we made it through the corn maze!
We went to the Franz J-something State Park one day. It was quiet and very pretty!
While we were there, we set the camera on a tree branch and tried to get a good family photo, but other branches kept getting in the way. Oh well.
Esther's 10th birthday!
Julia's 5th birthday!
Lydia at Christmas time - 
Christmas program - 
We were so happy to see Hosanna again - and meet Ruth!
Aaron Joseph's 7th birthday! He got his gift on his birthday, but had to wait a couple weeks for his cake...
Aaron did a ton of work on the new house this year - but we took the whole family over to remove wallpaper in two rooms. Since all the kids are really good at picking and peeling anyway, they actually enjoyed it! Miriam helped one day too and that might have had something to do with it!
Lydia and Grace got matching hand-me-downs from two different people :) 
Anna's 9th birthday - almost 2 months ago. She made her own cake!
Lydia's 2nd birthday - just a couple weeks ago. She was a little afraid of the candles.
Easter Sunday 2020
A double rainbow! I like pictures with people better, so I asked Aaron to help out!
I had a flourless chocolate cake at an event several years ago, and have been meaning to try it ever since. Made one for my 33rd birthday last year! 
We have one of those phones where you have to spin the dial thing. We would have gotten rid of it, but it's wired in the wall, so it stays. We had to get a land line, and discovered the thing still actually works - Company always wants to try it out!
Julia - 
We took the family for a bike ride on Memorial Day again - 
Grace enjoyed matching her big sisters - 
Were driving and stopped at Clemenson for some pictures - 
I've never seen as many lady slippers as we saw that day!
Can you see the mama bear and 3 cubs going through our ditch?
Lydia, Anna, Grace
Aaron Joseph with his toad collection - 
Corn bin at the corn maze - 
Our family at the corn maze - 
More pictures at the Franz J. state park - 

Aaron and Grace trying to climb the tree!
Visit to the zoo - 
Aaron's "new" tractor - 
This is an "after" picture in the basement of the new house - Only the trim left to go :) 
Beautiful tulips at the zoo - 
This is the "before" picture of the basement - 


*~Virginia~* said...

What a great update! Congrats on your new home! Is it mostly finished now? We love renovation and before and after photos. They're very satisfying.
Also can't believe how much your children have grown!

Priscilla J. Krahn said...

Thanks for the pictures, Naomi! I don't think I'd seen most of these pictures. Ya'll are busy people! :)

The K. Family said...

Love the post, Naomi! Enjoyed watching your kids grow before my eyes!

Naomi Whitaker said...

Hello from Alaska! I still love checking in on your family after all these years! :) It is so sweet seeing how the Lord has greatly blessed!

I am living with my folks again and helping in the ministry, as well as teaching special ed as a teacher's aide. Busy and fun! I am in a relationship now and very excited for God's continued guidance. :)