In September, some of the church men got together for a prayer breakfast.
While Aaron was gone, I worked on our wedding album a bunch (maybe I'll post some more of those pictures one of these days...) and helped out at the corn maze some since a lot of their regular help was gone.
The baby still seems to be doing fine - I'm due two weeks from today, but that's a little hard to believe. We went to the hospital one day and toured the "birthing wing" - it was pretty nice and I'm glad to be able to picture it better. Also, we ordered cloth dipers and I've been trying to wash the clothes we do have and things like that...
As far as the garden goes - we've canned as many tomatos as we could handle, froze some of the sweet potatos in puree form, pickled some jalepenos, as well as some beets, and are trying out some sauerkraut.
Great to hear you're doing good, I promised myself the next time I saw you not to ask you how you were doing, so I didn't have to! :)
Weren't the leaves beautiful? I can't believe how fast they went this year, it was almost as if they turned color and then were on the ground!
Can't wait to meet your little bundle of joy! Wishing you well and I am praying for you!
I have always wanted to go in a corn maze there is one right down the road from where I live and I have never been,sounds fun!! Also the pictures of fall were beautiful,I love the background and colors of fall in pictures!! I bet your getting excited about the baby coming!!
Wow, cloth diapers...you're brave! :) I can't stand the thought of washing all those poopy diapers. :) Haha. Hope it works out well for you!!! Can't wait to meet this little one!!! :D
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