Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19, 2010

Hello! Hope you all are doing well...I don't know how so much time goes by between posts - at home I checked my email a couple times a day, normally, and looked at my favorite blogs every couple days. NowI just don't think to go on the computer - so if anyone wants to get a hold of me, better call!

Thank you all for your nice comments on our last post :) It's such a blessing to have family and friends that are supportive of having children and are knowledgeable on the topic! Oh, and by the way, I told Aaron that someone left a comment saying they thought the baby way way more exciting than the tiller, and he said it had to have been a girl....Actually, we think it's more exciting too - it's in such a different category that we can joke about it :)

This morning Aaron and I were out raking our yard - even though we're only a mile from town with a highway nearby, the church yard is big enough that it really does feel like we live out in the country.

Saturday was a big day - Recital time! All of the students played two songs - a classical/modern one and a sacred one. Most of them were really fun pieces and the students all did a great job! I was very happy with how it went. The recital was at my parents church because they have a grand piano - quite a change for some of the students who only use a keyboard!

Back - Hosanna, Reuben, Josh, Silas, Matt, Me, Elizabeth
Middle - Jeshua, Erin, Priscilla, Debbie, and Matthew (Grandma's student)
Front - Sarah, Daniel

We went to a couple meetings in Breezy Point, MN - it's a new church and I was wondering why they built it so fancy, until we figured out that it's a resort community - almost all of the buildings are like this.

What else have we been doing? Yesterday we took the Sunday school kids to the glow-in-the-dark-mini-golf place -they had a great time! Aaron went fishing for northerns with some church people, but they didn't catch any that day. He's also been doing a lot of tilling...our yard is sort of in a low spot, so while everywhere else around here is dry, it's still holding moisture.

Have a great week! - or however long it is before we post again -


Daniel and Rachel said...

I don't know about that comment having to come from a girl...Aaron is the only guy I can think of who actually gets excited about gardening!!! :) LOL.

Anonymous said...

Ditto Rachel!!!

Elsie Gibbs said...

Ms. Naomi,
Can you send me your personal email, so I can send you some pics of the wedding in Florida? My email is happy2b_wifen_mommy@yahoo(dot)com. It was absolutely wonderful. I'll put you in the BCC I've sent to some already.

Ms. Elsie
P.S.That's ok about not making it on the puter ;) Some spend far too much time on it! You're doing wonderful, being wifey, and soon to be mommy, and ministering!! Lord bless you and your family immensely.